As well as scripting and editing narrative documentaries, I like to write about a range of topics, including music, sports, history and culture. Any pieces that don’t find other homes will usually end up here.
Beware the Millennial Aussie Expert Voice
The word “millennial” has come to mean very little at this point. To many, it just stands for “young people”…
One Should Only Be So Lucky
If you’re lucky, while you’re at university, you might come across one professor who will change your life...
What Will Zoom Do To “Good Tape”?
Now that most people have become used to Zoom and other video conference platforms, the pool of available interviewees for podcasts has surely gone up…
Fortune Favours the Brave
As part of my New Year's resolutions (and post-Trump-era-lutions), I decided to refresh my podcast feed…
No Name is a Name
Another thing that has changed a lot since I stopped blogging more than a decade ago is how we all view privacy and our online identities…
A Retro Beginning
The last time I wrote a blog post was almost 12 years ago. It was a short post about cricket, the Nintendo Wii, and Louis CK.